Trinity Family and Child Care barristers, Patrick Goodings and Kate Fenwick will be delivering a seminar to members of North East Resolution on the evening of Monday 15th May 2017.
The talk is entitled : “The legal landscape following Re N – Section 20 agreements and Human Rights”. The session will cover:
- Practical steps to determine the appropriateness of section 20 placements
- Impact of capacity on section 20 placements
- Unlawful section 20 placements
- Human Rights Act 1998
The seminar will take place at the offices of Ward Hadaway solicitors, Sandgate House,102 Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne with registration at 4.30pm for a 5pm start. The event will attract 2 hours Solicitors Regulation Authority CPD points.
To book please contact North East Resolution direct, tel No. (0191) 477 6333, email: