• Thursday, June 20, 2013

Barristers from Trinity Chambers’ Judicial Review and Licensing teams were speakers at an all-day event held on 19th June 2013 at the Main Chamber of Gateshead Council. The event was attended by Local Authority Councillors, Licensing Officers and Solicitors, as well as representatives from the region’s Police forces. The event, held in conjunction with Balance, the North East Strategic Licensing Group (NESLG) and North East Public Protection Partnership (NEPPP), was chaired by Trinity specialist licensing barrister, Charles Holland and introduced by Councillor Kevin Dodds.

Sue Robinson of Balance opened with an overview of the National Alcohol Strategy from a licensing perspective. Joan Smith, Trinity licensing barrister, then explored Licensing Authorities as Responsible Authorities with a focus on problem premises and suspending licences. Charles Holland provided a detailed case law update on the Licensing Act, sex establishments, taxis and fee setting. Joan later gave a presentation on Temporary Event Notices (TEN’s). Trinity Public and Administrative law barrister, Philip Engelman, then gave a presentation regarding Judicial Review focusing on why public bodies such as Local Authorities and the Police dealing with licensing matters may be challenged in the Administrative Courts and the steps involved if they are. The event concluded with Charles Holland, Sue Robinson and Brian Scott of Newcastle City Council discussing Early Morning Restriction Orders (EMRO’s) and Late Night Levies.

Feedback from the session included:-

“well delivered training, excellent knowledgeable speakers” 
“training was excellent” 
“a real variety of current licensing issues” 
“excellent speakers – very interesting and informative” 
“informative (lots of examples) and current” 
“very knowledgeable and experienced” 
“very topical and up to date”

The barristers who spoke at the event are members of Trinity Chambers’ LicensingRegulatory and Judicial Review practice groups.
